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Turn what makes you different into what makes you great.

Sign up below to receive 1 of 2,023 free* LLCs printed on the remains of shredded report cards, backed by six weeks of complimentary business coaching.

*Starts at $0 plus state fees
and only takes 5 to 10 minutes.

This campaign celebrates all entrepreneurs, especially those whose creativity is too often unrecognized. There is no requirement to show proof of diagnosis or condition. For those who take advantage of this offer, no medical or health information will be tied to their user profile or account.

*The listed affiliate partners will earn commissions if you purchase through links on their website.

is a business superpower

#Abovethegrade campaign_Young man with books studying

Seeing the world differently leads to creativity and innovation. That’s probably why more than 1 in 3 entrepreneurs are neurodiverse. In fact, many of the world’s most famous businesses were started by neurodiverse people.

That’s why ZenBusiness is offering 2,023 free LLCs to the neurodiverse members of the class of 2023 who are ready to use their diverse thinking to change the world.

We’re offering a free six-week webinar series, starting in September, designed with neurodiverse entrepreneurs in mind. A coach will cover everything from marketing to managing money like a pro.

#AbovetheGrade campaign - young woman in a meeting
Above the Grade campaign - teacher helping students

Parents, teachers, and allies: with your help, neurodiverse students have overcome challenges and surpassed expectations. Spread the word and send this offer to your best and brightest.

If you know someone with an idea to offer to offer the world, let them know we’re here to help.

All the tools you need to launch your LLC.

Explore options starting at $0 plus state fees.

"I'm a big believer that diversity is good business.
It's not a checkbox."

– Mark Cuban on the importance of diversity in entrepreneurship

Entrepreneur and Shark Tank host lays out
3 steps to follow when starting a business

  • Form an LLC to protect your liability
  • Set up your banking and accounting
  • Grow sales by marketing your website

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Grades Don't
Deliver Success.

Diverse thinking does.

You are the entrepreneur the world needs now.

ZenBusiness text over image Grades Don't Deliver Success