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How do I form a corporation in Alabama?

Have you decided to become a business owner? If so, then you’ll need to do some homework, like researching your market, deciding how you’ll operate, and much more. You’ll also need to figure out which type of business entity you’ll want to adopt, like a limited liability company (LLC) or a corporation. A corporation is a great business model and comes with its own benefits, and if you’re ready to form yours in Alabama, then read on!

What is a corporation?

A corporation is treated as a separate legal entity from all individuals and is actually owned by its shareholders, meaning that everyone who holds stock in the company holds ownership in it. A corporation must also appoint a board of directors to oversee how it is run. Because it is treated this way, it provides the greatest amount of protection between the business and anyone’s personal assets.

Ready to learn more? Read on to find out more about forming a corporation in Alabama, and how the ZenBusiness team can help.

How to start an Alabama corporation

To start an Alabama corporation, you must file a Certificate of Incorporation with the Alabama Secretary of State’s office. Before getting to that point, and also after, there are several other steps involved. We’ve put together 10 easy steps to form your Alabama corporation. You’ll learn how to do things like name your corporation, submit your Articles of Incorporation, appoint a registered agent, and more.

Step 1: Name your Alabama corporation

While giving your corporation a name might sound straightforward, there are several factors to consider during this process. The name must not be too similar to one already in use, must contain a designator indicating what type of business it is, and must not include certain restricted words.

In addition to choosing a corporation name you like and making sure it meets the correct standards, you’ll also want to make sure you can reserve a website domain name that matches and has not already been taken and give consideration to any DBA (“doing business as”) names or trademarks you may want. We’ll go over this below.

Brainstorm name ideas

Brainstorm a list of names that you like that match your business’s purpose and industry. The more options you have on that list, the better. Remember that your business name is its identity. It’s what the public will know you by, so make sure to choose something that’s catchy and memorable. Be sure also to choose a name you’ll be proud of in the long run. You’ll also need to keep in mind Alabama’s corporation naming rules.

Naming Rules and Requirements

Whichever name you settle on must include the word “corporation,” “incorporated,” or an abbreviation of one of the two. Search the Business Entity Records for Alabama to see if your name choices are too similar to current businesses. Note that words or abbreviations in a name that indicate the type of company — LLC, Inc., etc. — are not considered when determining if a name is unique.

Unless your business is banking-related, the name cannot include anything suggesting that it is. You also cannot include a professional designation, such as “engineering” or “attorney,” unless you’ve met your state’s requirements for using those words. You will need to eliminate any name choices from your list that do not meet these standards. The name cannot suggest that it is associated with any government agency or include anything suggesting that it will be engaged in a business that is illegal.

Professional Corporation Naming Requirements

Alabama requires professional corporations (PCs) to include the words “professional service corporation” or “PSC” in their names. The name also cannot include any words or abbreviations used by other business types, such as “LLC.”

Search for available domain names

Once you’ve narrowed down your list based on the above, the next task is to search for available domain names to ensure you will be able to secure a website domain that matches your business name. A website is a great way to reach customers and clients in addition to your brick-and-mortar location. You can also use your website to push your brand through social media.


Consider if any part of your business name or any logos you plan on using should be registered as a trademark or service mark. To learn more about registering these in Alabama, visit the webpage about trademarks on the Secretary of State’s website. You may also want to consider researching trademark registration at the federal level. If the trademarks you wish to use are already taken, this may mean you need to narrow down your list of possible names even further.

Getting a “trade name” in Alabama

If you would like to do business under a name different from your official business name (often called a DBA or “doing business as” name), you will need to file an Application to Register or Renew Trademark, Service Mark, or Trade Name and pay a processing fee. A DBA name is referred to as a “trade name” in Alabama. We don’t offer trade name services for Alabama, but we do have a page dedicated to the topic with more information.

Reserve your name

Once you’ve settled on a business name, Alabama requires that you reserve this name before filing your Certificate of Incorporation. You can do so by filing a Name Reservation. Your reservation will be valid for one year. After that time, if you have not filed your Certificate of Incorporation, you will need to renew your name reservation.

When you reserve your name, consider registering the domain name you plan to use with it. It’s best to have a domain name that matches your business name as closely as possible so people can find you more easily online.

Step 2: Appoint directors

The board of directors for a corporation oversees the operations of the business. For your business to get off the ground, a board of directors will need to be appointed. 

Who appoints the board of directors?

The board of directors is often appointed by the initial incorporators — those involved in filing the initial paperwork for starting the business and who may or may not become shareholders. Note that only one incorporator is required, and only one member on the board is needed, though more are recommended. 

Incorporators, Directors, and Shareholders

Incorporators may be directors and also shareholders. But the three titles are distinct roles within the company. The incorporators are responsible for starting the business and filing the paperwork; the board of directors oversees the business; and the shareholders finance the business by owning shares in the company.

If you’re forming a professional corporation, then your directors must share the same profession that your PC is created for.


It’s often advisable to hold a meeting with other incorporators to appoint directors and hold directors meeting to approve corporate bylaws, determine the share structure, and so on before filing the Certificate of Incorporation. That way, your business starts on the right foot with plans clearly in place.

*SPECIAL OFFER: $99 + AL state fees for the first year when you switch to ZenBusiness! Renews at $199/yr.

Step 3: Choose an Alabama registered agent

Your third step is to appoint a registered agent for your business. A registered agent is a person or entity that agrees to receive service of process on behalf of the corporation. Service of process includes legal documents like a court summons. A registered agent does not represent the corporation in legal matters. Having a registered agent helps keep your business in compliance with the state, too.

Registered Agent Requirements

You are required to name an Alabama registered agent when you file your Certificate of Incorporation. In Alabama, a registered agent must meet the following requirements:

  • Be an individual or corporation with a street address (not a P.O. box) in the state of Alabama.
  • A corporation cannot serve as its own registered agent.
  • A director or an officer on the board may serve as a corporation’s registered agent.

Changing Your Registered Agent

If your registered agent should happen to resign, die, or retire, then you’ll need to appoint a new one. Alabama will also need to be notified of your change in registered agent. You should further include your new registered agent in your appropriate business documents.

Step 4: File the Alabama Certificate of Incorporation

Once you’ve done all of the groundwork of selecting and reserving a name, choosing a registered agent, and appointing directors, you are ready to file your Certificate of Incorporation.

Note that different states have different names for this document. While it is called the Certificate of Incorporation in Alabama, it may be called the Articles of Incorporation in other places. These are the same thing.

What should an Alabama Certificate of Incorporation include?

This document officially registers and establishes your business with the state. In this document, you will need to include:

  • The name of your business
  • A copy of your name reservation certificate
  • The street address of your principal office (and mailing address if it differs)
  • The name of your registered agent or registered agent service, along with their street and mailing address
  • Your business’s purpose
  • The amount of stock your corporation is authorized to issue; a tax or legal professional can help you determine what’s best for your particular needs
  • If you intend to have your corporation end on a certain date, you’ll need to attach a statement to that effect. Otherwise, it will be perpetual.
  • The names of incorporators, along with street and mailing addresses for each
  • Signatures of incorporators
  • Filing fee

The final step is to send the completed Articles to the Alabama Secretary of State’s office. If filing by mail, you need to mail two copies of the completed form along with a self-addressed, stamped envelope to: Secretary of State, Business Services, P.O. Box 5616, Montgomery, Alabama 36103.

For professional corporations, include the purpose of the corporation that aligns with the specific professional services provided. Additionally, make sure to check the Alabama Secretary of State’s website for the most current filing fees.

Step 5: Create corporate bylaws

Are corporate bylaws required in Alabama?

Before you get up and running, you will also need to establish corporate bylaws. The bylaws establish all of the rules and day-to-day activities of your business. Not only is this a good idea, but also it is required by the state of Alabama for all corporations. 

What to Include in Your Corporation’s Bylaws

Your corporate bylaws may include:

  • A clear statement of your business purpose
  • A list of officers and the rights, responsibilities, and qualifications of each
  • A list of the board of directors and the rights, responsibilities, and qualifications of each
  • Details of your management structure and the duties of each officer
  • Annual meeting scheduling and goals for directors, shareholders, and officers
  • How ownership and shares are distributed and how the stock is sold or transferred
  • How changes are made or voted on
  • Details of any committees and their responsibilities
  • How conflicts of interest are to be handled

For professional corporations, your bylaws must follow regulations specific to the profession and ensure compliance with state laws governing professional services.

Get help creating your bylaws

Since bylaws are legally binding, it’s a good idea to seek assistance when creating them. You can, however, find templates online to get yourself started.  While you are not required to file your bylaws anywhere, you are required to keep them in a safe place with any other corporate records. It’s often a good idea when starting to set up a corporate records book where you can keep all of your corporation’s important papers, including bylaws, minutes from meetings, and stock certificates.

Step 6: Draft a shareholder agreement

Another important document to draft is a shareholder or stockholder agreement.

What to Include in Your Shareholder Agreement

This document outlines the rights and responsibilities of all shareholders and may include:

  • The names of all shareholders and their contact information (addresses, phone numbers, etc.)
  • Shareholder responsibilities, including rules about how officers are appointed and any actions that shareholders are allowed to take on behalf of the business
  • Shareholder voting rights, including whether a simple majority or higher percentage may be required for certain decisions
  • How changes to the original shareholder agreement may be made
  • How stock can be sold or transferred
  • The financial obligation and time commitment for each shareholder
  • A clear outline of how dividends are distributed
  • A plan for the distribution of assets should the business close

Again, this agreement can be drafted from a template, but you may want to utilize professional assistance. Your shareholder agreement should be kept with your other important corporate records.

Step 7: Issue shares of stock

One of the requirements for starting a corporation is issuing stock. When you filed your Certificate of Incorporation, you stated the number of stock shares that were authorized. The number of shares you issue should always be less than or equal to this number.

Shares of Stock Considerations

To get your company off the ground, you need funds. This is called capital. It’s a good idea to determine how much capital you need and then divide this value among stock shares that you can issue to your shareholders. Note that when initially issuing shares, some may be issued as compensation for helping start the business. As a result, the shareholder they are issued to does not contribute monetary capital for them.

Each share is only issued once. However, after being issued, they can be traded and sold. All issued shares must be documented in the company’s annual report.

Stock may be issued publicly or privately. Privately issued stock is usually issued to the founders, managers, employees, or a private group of investors. A public corporation makes a portion of its stock shares available for public purchase.

File quarterly statements

Companies that issue public stock need to file quarterly statements with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). They must also track how many shares are issued and to whom. You should also check with the Alabama Securities Commission to see what is required at the state level.

Step 8: Apply for necessary business permits or licenses

The next step in the process is making sure all business permits and licenses are obtained. Unfortunately, there is no one-stop shop for licenses and permits, so you will need to be diligent and do a careful search specific to your county, city, and the type of business you are running.

Business Privilege License

You must also obtain a business privilege license from the probate judge in every county where you will do business in Alabama. Annual licenses are valid from Oct. 1 through Sept. 30 each year. Fees vary by county. You may need to check with your local city to see if any permits or licenses are required at the city level.

Professional Services Licensure

If you will be administering any professional services — such as law or medicine — you will need to maintain licensure from the appropriate agency.

Step 9: File for an EIN and review tax requirements

Since corporations are treated as unique entities separate from the people involved in them, they require an Employer Identification Number (EIN). This number acts like the corporation’s Social Security number for tax purposes. Luckily, this is another task we can take care of for you with our EIN service.

C Corporations and S Corporations

For federal taxation purposes, any newly formed corporation is classified by the IRS as a C corporation. This means that they are subject to double taxation, as they must pay their own taxes separate from any taxes paid on shareholder earnings. However, you can avoid this by registering as an S corporation. S corps allow for pass-through taxation, meaning that they won’t pay income taxes at the corporate level. Then, each shareholder pays taxes on their share of the business’s profits. However, S corps have restrictions that C corps don’t. To learn more about S corp qualifications and how to apply, head over to our S corporation page.

At the state level, you must pay your business privilege tax when you file your annual report. There are also might be more tax requirements at the state and the local levels, so be sure to check.

Professional corporations in Alabama may have additional tax obligations depending on the services provided. Consult with a tax professional to ensure compliance.

Step 10: Submit your corporation’s first annual report

By April 15 each year, corporations must submit form CPT, the Alabama Business Privilege Tax Return and Annual Report for the appropriate tax year. This form specifies the privilege tax that the corporation must pay the state and provides a place for annual report details. The first of these reports, the initial privilege tax return, is due two and a half months after the corporation is formed.

You will be assessed an additional filing fee for the report portion in addition to paying the relevant tax. This filing and all associated fees are sent to the Alabama Department of Revenue.

How is an Alabama corporation taxed?

How your corporation is taxed in Alabama depends on whether it is a C-corporation or an S-corporation. C-corps are treated as separate entities and must file their own tax return. In addition to this, all owners and shareholders file their own tax returns for earnings and dividends. This results in double taxation. While that might seem less than ideal, there are some benefits to this tax structure, including more flexibility in what can be deducted.

S-corporations, on the other hand, are pass-through entities. All profits are passed through to the shareholders, who must pay on their individual income taxes. You must specifically elect an S-corp, though, as a C-crop is the default designation with the IRS. There are also a few restrictions on S-corps that you should take into account, as well.

Visit the Alabama Department of Revenue’s business webpage for more information about additional taxes your corporation may be responsible for, including sales and use tax.

How much does it cost to start a corporation in Alabama?

The exact cost of starting a corporation in Alabama can vary based on the size and type of the business and which county it’s located in. At a minimum, you will need to pay the $236 fee for filing the Certificate of Incorporation, as well as fees for reserving your business name and filing annual reports. Additional fees may include:

  • Additional processing fees for any forms filed online
  • Registered agent service fees
  • Fees for copies of documents from the Secretary of State
  • Fees assessed for amendments or other business filings
  • Fees associated with licenses or permits

Confused? Don’t worry. We can help with many of the required steps as well as compliance services and other useful tools.

What are the benefits of a corporation in Alabama?

There is a whole host of benefits associated with starting a corporation in Alabama. When it comes to the corporation business type, the benefits include:

  • Protection of personal assets
  • Legal recognition as a separate entity within and outside the U.S.
  • The ability to issue stock (which can help with funding and capital)
  • Alabama is a great choice on its own for businesses. It has one of the lowest property tax burdens in the country, and the cost of doing business in the state is lower than a lot of other places. There is also great infrastructure, including a seaport, interstate, rail, and airports.

However, starting a corporation may have disadvantages, so it’s worth making sure that this is the right business type for you. Among the disadvantages are the tax structure (profits are taxed at both the corporation and personal income tax levels) and the fact that there is a lot more red tape and paperwork involved than with other structures, such as LLCs.

We can help

We offer a large selection of various business services to help form, run, and grow yours. While we don’t support PC formation services in Alabama, we can, of course, help you form a standard corporation in Alabama. We also offer others like our Worry-Free Compliance service, which keeps your business in good standing. If you’d like to know more about how we can help you start your Alabama corporation today, then just reach out!

Alabama Corporation FAQs

  • Because corporations are more complex in structure, they often come with more paperwork than a simpler business model, such as an LLC. This includes shareholder agreements, reports, and meetings that must be documented.

  • LLC stands for limited liability company. This type of business structure is a pass-through entity for tax purposes, and it is useful in keeping the owners’ assets separate from business assets. However, LLCs do not have a board of directors and do not issue shares.

  • To change your corporation’s name in Alabama, you need to file an amendment by completing the form and filing it with the Secretary of State with a filing fee.

  • You only need one person or incorporator to start a corporation in Alabama.

  • To dissolve a corporation in Alabama, you must file the Articles of Dissolution and pay a processing fee. You must also follow any rules set out in the corporate bylaws for the distribution of assets.

  • The process can be started online using the filing services site; however, finalizing it will require delivering physical documents to the state.

  • Businesses are required to obtain a business privilege license through the probate judge in each county they conduct business.

  • Yes. When extensions are granted for federal purposes, they are also granted for Alabama.

  • Alabama allows professionals to form an LLC, but doesn’t have a separate PLLC entity. Any professionals looking to form an LLC must first receive approval from their state licensing board.

  • No, everyone involved in forming a PC must belong to the same profession.

Disclaimer: The content on this page is for information purposes only and does not constitute legal, tax, or accounting advice. If you have specific questions about any of these topics, seek the counsel of a licensed professional.

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Form a Corporation in these States

Create Your Corporation in Alabama