We’ve compiled the most common fees associated with forming an LLC in Alaska.
The initial filing fee for your Articles of Organization isn’t the only LLC cost to be aware of. The following are various fees that could come up in the course of starting your LLC in Alaska:
As noted above, the Alaska Articles of Organization costs $250 to file.
If you have a name in mind and don’t want anyone to take it while you complete your formation documents, you can file a Business Name Reservation Form. While not necessary, doing so can be a great idea for your new business. The fee for filing a Business Name Reservation is $25.
Within six months of creating your LLC, you must also file an Initial Report. This is a requirement for all approved LLCs. It is important for keeping your business entity’s contact information on file and updated with the state. There is no filing fee for this Initial Report, and filings can be completed online.
After filing your Initial Report, you must also continue to update your LLC’s information with the state every two years. If you don’t, the State may find you non-compliant. To stay compliant, you’ll file a Biennial Report, which costs $100.
Paying your Articles of Organization and Biennial Report filing fees won’t always be the end of your costs. When you’re trying to assess the cost to start a business in Alaska, here are a few other things to look out for.
Filing a Business Name Registration form gives your business exclusive rights to a DBA name for up to five years. So if you plan to operate your business under a different name than your entity’s official name on record, you’ll want to file one of these. The cost is $25.
A Alaska certificate of compliance is also known as a Certificate of Good Standing. This document verifies that your LLC is legally compliant and properly formed. There are many scenarios in which you may need a Certificate of Compliance, such as:
The fee to get a Certificate of Compliance is $10.
In your Articles of Organization, you’ll have to designate a Registered Agent. They will be responsible for accepting service of process for important legal documents on behalf of the business. However, sometimes the Registered Agent you select may need to resign. When this happens, you’ll file a Registered Agent Notice of Resignation form, which costs $25.
When it’s time to select or replace your Registered Agent, it’s important to choose someone who meets all of Alaska’s legal requirements. If you’re not sure who to designate, we can help you find the right one for your LLC with our Alaska Registered Agent Service.
Additionally, you may need to pay fees for certain business licenses and permits. However, figuring out what licenses and permits you need can often feel overwhelming.
With our partners at Avalara, we can give you a Business License Report to help you determine what specific licenses, permits, and registrations you’ll need.
Starting at $0, we can form your Alaska LLC for you in just minutes. No LegalZoom promo code required: Pay just $0 plus filing fees for fast LLC formation in Alaska.
Yes. Failure to pay your fees on time can result in additional penalties such as:
Always be sure to file and make any payments on time to avoid adverse consequences.
The inability to pay your filing fee to the Alaska government can be detrimental to the future success of your business. In addition to late payment penalties, failure to pay fees could result in the involuntary dissolution of your LLC.
You must file your LLC formation documents and filing fees with the State of Alaska Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development.
The largest LLC fee you’ll need to pay when forming your entity is $250 for the initial Articles of Organization filing. However, if you are domesticating a foreign (out-of-state) LLC to register it in Alaska, the fee to do so will be slightly higher at $275.
The State of Alaska accepts cash, check, and credit card as proper payment methods. However, cash is available only for in-person filings, and checks are permitted only for in-person and U.S. mail filings. Credit card payments are only available for electronic filings.
Mailing Address: 550 W 7th AVE, STE 1535 Anchorage, AK 99501-3587 | Fax: (907) 269-8125 |
Telephone: (907) 269-8100 | Website: https://www.commerce.alaska.gov/web/ |
Owning and operating your own business can be extremely fulfilling. However, that doesn’t mean that it’s easy work.
Fortunately, however, you don’t have to go through this process alone. We have a number of tools and resources to provide peace of mind to business owners just like you. Let us help you save time and money as you start, manage, and grow your business today.
Disclaimer: The content on this page is for information purposes only and does not constitute legal, tax, or accounting advice. If you have specific questions about any of these topics, seek the counsel of a licensed professional.
LLC Cost by State
Start an LLC in Your State
When it comes to compliance, costs, and other factors, these are popular states for forming an LLC.
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