The business world is abuzz with exciting new digital trends, marketing strategies, and innovations. Within this dynamic milieu are a handful of marketing gurus able to leverage the power of social media, online marketing, telephone marketing, and analytics to maximum effect. Marketing methodology has changed dramatically over time and now encompasses exciting incubator solutions to reach your target market, proprietary techniques fostered by marketing gurus, and a smorgasbord of other tailored solutions designed to provide solutions to customer problems.
The following 4 high ticket marketing gurus are ready to share their wisdom with the crowds.
Russell Ruffino is a virtuoso in the field of marketing management. His followers hang on to his every word, and for good reason. As the CEO and founder of the universally popular Clients on Demand, Ruffino knows a thing or two about effective marketing management. Russell Ruffino has fine-tuned a telephone marketing strategy that takes the anxiety, dread, and despair of selling by phone and turns it on its head. He teaches clients the most up-to-date strategies for effective telephone sales management.
For Ruffino, it’s about solving problems. His marketing company helps business owners understand how to manage the sales call strategy effectively. He helps entrepreneurs to understand which clients can be helped and which clients can’t be helped. Whenever there are urgent problems needing to be solved, the phone selling strategy can provide effective results for clients who will willingly pay between $3000 and $10,000 within 48 hours.
That doesn’t include upsells. If it all seems a little too good to be true, it’s not. A caveat is in order though: clients who work with Russ Ruffino must be committed to transformational marketing strategies. It takes lots of effort to prepare the ground work to implement this new strategic marketing paradigm.
John Morrow is the founder of Boost Blog Traffic Blog. Born with spinal muscular atrophy, Morrow is a real inspiration to his followers. As a respected online marketing analyst, Morrow routinely offers invaluable insights into marketing management for people all over the world. He was an associate editor of Copyblogger, and that is now a multi-million-dollar online venture. For John Morrow, it’s all about the power of the written word. His inspirational words on online marketing, money management, and search engine optimization are legendary. He has cornered a niche in the burgeoning online marketing market and he is a power player to contend with.
Pam Didner is a marketing guru who regularly publishes books, YouTube videos, audio podcasts, and blog posts. She has crafted highly successful books with titles like Effective Sales Enablement, and Global Content Marketing. Pam is an expert on speaking engagements where she discusses content marketing, integrating marketing and sales, and the effect that technology is having on the marketing arena.
A management consultant by design, Pam is also an expert trainer who works with teams to coordinate all business activities towards growing enterprise sales and profitability. She has been in the game for 20 years and is highly experienced in supply chain management, accounting, and business strategy. Her evolutionary ideas have reshaped the marketing arena for companies all over the world.
Terry O’ Reilly is no stranger to the marketing world. An expert with decades of experience in the game, he began working with advertising agencies and then went on to co-found Pirate Radio and Television. Terry’s approach is different: he focuses on saying one thing loudly as opposed to whispering a dozen things at the same time. He has simple advice that works really well for businesses. For example, small brands need a really big personality, since they can’t compete with the budgets of bigger companies. He rebukes folks who say that radio is a dead marketing medium, for obvious reasons.
More importantly, he’s got a great sense of humor to grease up his marketing message. He understands that marketing can be an impolite intrusion, but humor is the best way to get people to warm up to your message. For all of these reasons, Terry O’ Reilly really knows the game from the inside out. He’s not into sales – that’s what the amateurs do – he’s into product and service differentiation. O’ Reilly understands that there are many pieces to the marketing puzzle and putting all of those pieces together is what makes your business successful.
John Pearson
John is a serial entrepreneur and writer who is passionate about helping small businesses launch and grow. His work has been featured in Huffington Post, Entrepreneur, and Forbes.
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