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9 Awesome Google Chrome Extensions For The Self-Employed

Google Chrome is often hailed as the best internet browser and, indeed, it’s one of the most widely used browsers worldwide. However, many are still unaware how they can better their internet browsing experience further, by making the most of Google Chrome’s variety of browser Extensions. Here then are 9 Awesome Google Chrome Extensions for The Self-Employed.

For example, did you know that there’s an Extension that allows you to access your emails offline? Find out how and learn about other, useful Extensions in the list below:

#1 Readability

Readability strips away all the fancy formatting and annoying advertisements on web pages, allowing you to read the page and/or article in a plain and easily readable way.

What’s more, with Readability you can also save pages to read at your convenience, and/or share them through email, Facebook, Twitter and Kindle.

#2 Stay Focusd

Do you find yourself getting easily distracted at work? Keep cheekily checking your social media pages, the latest news sites and (of course) vanity googled yourself?

StayFocusd is a productivity Extension that allows users to set themselves a daily time allowance for particular sites, or block access to them completely.

Highly configurable, you’ll learn to hate and love StayFocusd simultaneously, for its pure (and evil!) genius.

#3 Gmail Offline

Yes, Gmail Offline is an extension that allows you to use Gmail without an internet connection.

But it’s so much more than that.

Gmail Offline offers a completely different Gmail experience, with a design overhaul and enhanced usability. If Gmail is an essential part of your working day, Gmail Offline is a must-have Extension tool.

#4 Panic Button

The PanicButton Extension hides and saves all of your opened tabs (as bookmarks) with a single click, allowing you to quickly hide any incriminating tabs and page views if you suddenly have an unexpected visitor.
Then, when the danger is over, simple re-click to restore all of your hidden tabs!

#5 Google Dictionary

A simple yet effective Extension, Google Dictionary allows you to instantly see the definition of a word on a webpage, just by double-clicking it.

You can also store a history of all your looked-up words and their definitions (optional), which can be downloaded as a CSV file.

#6 Auto Pager Chrome

AutoPager turns any website into one long infinitely scrollable webpage.

Perfect for searching through Google’s results pages, or any other page that has annoying ‘next’ buttons and numbered pages.

#7 Lazarus

There’s nothing worse than filling out a form online, only to have your computer randomly crash/refresh, erasing your details and forcing you to start the process all over again.

Lazarus to the rescue! This simple but lifesaving Extension saves your form-filling-out progress, so if your browser does crash or something goes wrong you have a saved back-up, courtesy of Lazarus.

#8 The Great Suspender

Over the working day, it’s easy to accumulate a large number of open tabs. You don’t want to close any of them, but they’re seriously starting to clog up your screen and slow down your system.

What do you do?

You get The Great Suspender of course! This Extension automatically suspends tabs you’re not using to reduce memory footprint of chrome.

#9 Ginger

Ginger is a spelling and grammar checker for Chrome. It works with most common websites, and whenever you make a grammatical error in an edit field, Ginger will pop-up and alter you to the mistake, as well as suggesting corrections.

What’s more, Ginger offers corrections based on the context of your writing, such as commonly confused words (then/than, your/you’re).

There are many, many more Google Chrome Extensions to help improve your internet browsing experience. Comment below to share any that you think are hidden gems yet to be discovered by the masses.


By: Louise Dickens

Louise Dickens is an experienced blogger and journalism graduate currently working in content marketing. For more useful office tips see Louise’s other articles at ChairOffice.

by December 13, 2021


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