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The Benefits Of Writing Competency In Business

Education has a special focus on teaching students to write. Different types of essays, research papers and creative pieces are a common part of their homework. Every discipline includes a number of writing assignments.

That’s because written communication is essential in the business world. In fact, it happens in nearly every occupation. Writing skills belong to the baseline skills that are in high demand by employers. Even fields like Engineering and IT specify it in the job profiles.

The common documents of business communication are letters, reports, manuals, directions, graphs and flow charts. To create them in a proper way, an author must have the writing competency. It consists of three components:

• Organization and development which implies communicating thoughts, ideas, data, messages and other information in an organized, logical and coherent manner;

• Mechanics which involves the knowledge of syntax, spelling, grammar, and punctuation;

• Tone that is professional and courteous.

If you want to be a successful manager, marketer, executive, or any other expert involved in business, you have to enhance the quality of your business writing. Here are 10 reasons for that.

1. Persuasion

Business writing is all about persuasion. The goal of every company and its employees is to sell as many products/services as possible. EssayPro professionals confirm that the convincing blog can build up a reputation of the best essay writing service. Nevertheless, your blog posts, letters, and social media updates shouldn’t give an impression that you’re pushing too hard.

A right tone in business writing can do wonders for a company’s growth. While some people naturally sound convincing, others have to develop a peculiar writing voice. They learn to fill the content with the creative energy and make their personalities shine through every text they create for business purposes.

2. Effective Communication

It is common to have business relationships with partners, co-workers, customers and suppliers that are built and maintained through written communication. Today, people often write emails, presentations, and reports.

Communication is effective when the reader understands the meaning intended by the writer. Strong writing skills help to increase the power of the message and fulfill the purposes.

3. Clarity

The success of a business depends on a clear message. Poor word choice can cause misunderstandings. Communication with partners can have business slang. But potential collaborators and customers might fail to see the ideas behind your efforts to sound smart.

Whatever you write, there should be no place for confusion. Simple language helps to get your point across. Many people have difficulties with the word choice. The chances of attaining clarity are much better for those who have already developed their language skills through academic paper writing.

4. Credibility

People who are good at writing are usually seen as more trustworthy. What would you think of a college whose email is filled with typos and grammatical errors? Maybe, the person didn’t bother to proofread his letter. But most of us would rate the addressee as less intelligent.

Employees with sharp writing skills are a hot commodity in the labor market. If it wasn’t true, major companies wouldn’t spend up to US$3 billion (£1.8bn) every year training their staffs in order to improve their writing skills.

5. Standing Out

Have you ever wondered why resumes have such a great influence on the hiring decision? The candidates with poor writing skills have fewer chances to get the job of their dreams. Papers with numerous errors are not even read to the end.

The recruiters look for employees who are able to produce flawless emails, documents and promotional materials. If the resume is tailored well, the candidate is assumed to show similar excellence in every other written form used at work.

6. Recording Information

In every workplace, workers are required to write notes, memos, emails, letters, and reports. Most often than not, they share these records with someone else. Good writing skills help them communicate their ideas effectively. A clear message can reach more people compared with face-to-face communication.

If an employee displays weak writing skills, especially in an administrative position that implies a substantial amount of written communication on a daily basis, they are not proficient enough for that job. It can be a hindrance to promotion.

7. Strong Online Presence

Social media is vital for marketing. Every business has official pages on different social nets. A web presence helps to expand into new markets and territories. Of course, written communication skills play a crucial role in it.

Although the interaction with existing and prospective customers has limited to social networking, the use of abbreviations, Internet slang, and sloppily written posts are not advisable. It can make you seem illiterate. Companies who regularly update their websites even hire writers to make sure that the content is top-notch.

When starting your own business, you craft a business plan. If you are looking up to partner up with another company, you send a partnership proposal letter. If you want to expand your customer base, you contact potential customers. Writing skills make a difference in how you create opportunities for development.

The document should clearly illustrate your ideas and engage the reader. Formatting is no less important than content. Proper paragraphs, references, the margins and other nuances make a first impression on the receiver. Serious entrepreneurs pay attention to that. It is much the same as academic writing. If the coursework formatting is not perfect, you can get a lower mark. In business, poor message generates fewer opportunities.

9. Team building

For a leader, written communication with employees has a few benefits. It is a significant aspect of supervision. Bosses write emails to their staff notifying them of meetings or providing guidelines for specific projects. These messages must be concise and self-explanatory. Thus, the workers can be productive and not waste time asking for further instructions.

A positive and energetic tone of the communication will make employees or coworkers respond in equally optimistic fashion. Well-written messages can inspire people to work.

10. Professionalism

Written communication can easily be misinterpreted as you cannot always guess facial expression or speech intonation. That’s why the written form, style, and tone of your message are so important. They can create an authoritative impression.

What you write represents you and the company to a wide audience. Improve your writing skills if you don’t want to seem unintelligent and non-credible.

Whether you are messaging a colleague, emailing your manager, or developing the company newsletter, your writing skills can make or break your career. Mastering writing skills may be one of the best things you can do.

About the Author: Michelle Brooks is the independent writer and editor of the educational blogs. Her professional and personal interests belong to general education, e-learning, career and self development. At her spare time, Michelle writes short stories.

by December 8, 2021


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