If you go to networking functions with the idea that you have to sell yourself, you’re doing it wrong. Networking is about meeting others and building relationships. Here are ten steps to get the most from your networking.
Networking is a great way to meet people in a “non-selling” setting. So, don’t sell. Meet and greet. Ask people about their businesses. Be friendly and relaxed. Enjoy yourself. Get to know people. Above all, do not sell.
If and when someone appears to meet your target criteria, ask for their business card. Then follow up with them later to see if there might be a fit.
Here are some ideas to help you get the most from your networking:
RELATED: 10 Tips for Successful Business Networking
Networking is a time-honored way of developing business relationships. It can be done in networking groups or clubs. It can be done through Chambers of Commerce. It can be done anywhere you meet people. If you are active in your community or industry, you can easily network. Some people “network” while shopping for groceries!
It all depends on your attitude and your focus. The more people you meet who might need your product or service, the more potential customers you can have.
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