Does your annual company picnic need a little pick-me-up? Here are some ideas to add pizzazz without necessarily increasing your budget.
As summer begins, you’re probably making plans for your annual company picnic. Chances are the event will be identical to previous years. Hot dogs, hamburger, chicken and/or ribs, salads and watermelon will likely be on your menu and volleyball, softball and swimming on your activity list. Ho-hum.
Here are some ideas to add pizzazz to your picnic, without necessarily increasing your budget.
Move ItIf you have held your picnic at the same spot for more than two or three years in a row, consider moving it. Look for alternative locales. If your barbecue is generally held in a park, move it to the beach. If you’re at the beach, move it to a lake. Even if you have to keep it at the same park as always, try to set up your event at another location in the park to offer a slight change of vista.
The Theme’s the ThingCreate a theme for the picnic. Themes not only add a little excitement, they allow you to make small changes to your plans that have a big impact. Best of all, themes can provide focus to your plans and help you stay on track. “Under the Big Top,” “Country Fair,” “It’s Best Our West,” or “Out On Safari” are all popular, easy-to-execute and affordable themes.
Your menu may stay the same if you wish, but by changing the atmosphere or even how it is served, your familiar fare will take on new appeal.
For an “Under the Big Top” event:
For a “Country Fair” theme:
For an “It’s Best Out West” theme:
For an “Out On Safari” theme:
Inviting IdeasSince the party starts when the invitation arrives, try these ideas to start excitement about the event weeks before the picnic date and answer any typical questions guests may have.
Potent Picnic PotablesThe decision whether or not to serve alcohol at your event may not only lie with you. Many public parks and private venues prohibit the use of alcohol on their premises. If you wish to serve alcohol, keep in mind the following items.
Better Safe Than SorryMany people assume that their homeowners or business liability insurance will cover them during an off-site party. Depending on your policy, that might not be the case. Likewise, when you are working with vendors, be sure to obtain a contract for services.
Most of all, make your company picnic an event that will be looked forward to, not only by your employees and their families, but also by yourself. After all, don’t you deserve a wonderful day in the great outdoors too?
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Phyllis Cambria is a speaker, co-author (with Patty Sachs) of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Throwing a Great Party, celebrations and marketing expert and partners with her co-author in . She can be reached at or 954-974-7907.
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