If you can’t put your finger on where you might have heard or seen the name “DreamWorks”, think about the logo with a fishing boy. Now remember? That image precedes a bunch of cartoon hits, such as “Shrek”, “Madagaskar”, “Kung Fu Panda”, and others. Want to learn more about this unusual animated logo? Then read on!
In 1994, the renowned film director and producer Steven Spielberg, former head of Disney Jeffrey Katzenberg, and music producer David Geffen founded the DreamWorks animation studio. The idea of logo with a fishing boy sitting on the Moon belonged to Spielberg, who wanted the emblem to associate with the golden age of Hollywood.
Spielberg originally wanted to use computer graphics but was talked out of the idea by Robert Hunt, Hunt drew the logo by hand, using his son as a model for the fishing boy.
What the first DreamWorks logo looked like
The DreamWorks emblem has a very deep, dynamic feel to it. At first, we see a serene night landscape with a beautiful lake. Then we’re shown a boy with a fishing rod sitting on the Moon. The Moon transforms into letter D, and the clouds reveal to us the company name. We can also see letters SKG that stand for the names of the studio co-founders.
How the DreamWorks logo has changed
The emblem was changing together with the animation company. When the time seemed right, the brand resorted to computer graphics to give a sharper look to the emblem. Over the years, the logo has donned different colors (green, violet, etc.). The clouds shape has also been the subject of experimentation.
The animation studio created an individual light-colored logo version for its products under the DreamWorks Animation brand. On it, the boy is being carried up into the sky by a bunch of colorful air balloons. Then the balloons burst into the word “DreamWorks”.
How DreamWorks customizes its logo
The brand plays and interacts with its audience by adapting its emblem to different cartoons. For example, in “Shrek”, the letters S turns green and gets cute little horns as a tribute to the cartoon protagonist. On the “Shark Tale” logo, one of the cartoon characters – a worm – is hanging from the fishing rod. For the “Kung Fu Panda” logo, the company replaced the boy with a panda climbing to the Moon. In “Madagaskar 2”, you can see the penguins that have caught a big fish. In “The Boss Baby”, the classic emblem transforms into a toy hanging over the baby cradle.
The DreamWorks brand design exploits the emotional power of childhood memories and nostalgia. The overall effect is enhanced by retro melodies. Spielberg has managed to create an idyllic landscape that speaks to the inner child inside each and every one of us.
DreamWorks has remained an important player and trailblazer in the animation industry for many years. As the key element of its brand identity, DreamWorks uses a unique animated logo with a changing plot and characters. Preceding each DreamWorks title, this mini film has become an integral part of the studio’s personality.
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