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How to Choose Colors For Your Logo


1. Tips on how to choose colors for your logo
2. Important things to note when choosing color logo

Apart from choosing a business name, the other most important part in a logo is its color. There is much to a color other than looking either good or bad. For instance, color affects the subconscious in a way that one cannot detect. A customer can change his or, her behavior due to the color without knowing.

However, there are no best colors for any logo other than those that communicate the meaning of a brand. One’s consideration on any logo color can either break or make a business. There is need, therefore, for one to take much care when picking on a color. There are vital tips on how to choose colors for your logo, which are.

Tips on how to choose colors for your logo

Tips on how to choose colors for your logo

1. Decide on the general image that the company needs to convey; this has to reflect in all marketing materials, especially the logo of the business. Any laid-back software company uses different colors, rather than using a financial advisor who would want to gain big investors trust.

2. Make a research on the different logos of competitors; the color scheme should be different from those of competitors. On the other hand, color needs not be bright while those of competitors are using subtle tones. Research, therefore, will help to choose the best option.

3. Pick an element that stands out in the logo; one can have a first letter or design element that his or, her graphic created that people can associate with the business. A catchy name could be another option.

4. Choose a warm, bright color for that element, which should stand out on the logo; these colors could include red, which is an aggressive color appropriate for the name of a company or any other vital design element. Orange is not severe like red but is still bright enough for attracting people.

5. To denote authority, usage of blue should be made; it gets boring when either an interesting design element or contrasting bright color is not offered. A logo with both dark blue and white colors is effective, even though blue goes well with orange together with red.

6. In case the business is associated with wellness, one should include green into the logo; this has a calming healing effect. Such organizations as alternative therapies, healthcare-related firms and businesses like health clubs, should use green in the logo which gives much benefit.

7. For organizations whose customer base are women, colors like purple and pink are the best option to pick. This is because they are colors that make women feel that an organization cares for their needs. It is best for such organizations dealing with skin care products, cosmetics and women- oriented fitness centers.


Important things to note when choosing color logo

There are critical things that one ought to keep in mind while picking on a color. This help to avoid needless mistakes. For example, one needs to know that yellow makes a business look tacky even though it is a bright color, and its use should be only in accent. Gray, on the other hand, is best as a supporting color because of its association with depressing weather. The white and black color should not dominate the logo colors at all.

The logo colors chosen will not only grow to become associated with a brand but also set the tone for what customers should expect. Bright colors always make people expect creative thinking, action or speed. Darker ones reinforce the image of power, trust, and respect. For instance, the color red, which is associated with Coca Cola products, make people think of food, young people, authority and a great taste as it is a prominent brand.


The use of colors in logos though affected by the real shape of the logo itself, the colors will stand out first to many people. The best color will always depend on what a brand needs to communicate. Blue is a good choice for big companies that want to associate themselves with trust and tradition. Red is best for leadership brands like those of Marriot and Coca-Cola. Green is important for telling the right story about a brand. The first important thing that one should do is to find out on what a brand is about, before choosing colors, which can communicate that to the customers.

by July 8, 2013


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