A study by the American Bentley University has shown that even in the digital age, people value printable materials that can be touched by hands. This includes a booklet, the advantages of which include the low cost of creation and its versatile use to promote business. In the article, we will tell you how to develop and distribute a booklet.
Let’s start with the terminology. A booklet is a folded sheet of paper that contains information about a company, goods, services, or events and is distributed for promotional purposes. It is often confused with a brochure, so it is important to understand the difference between the terms. A brochure is a publication of 5 to 48 pages that are bound together in any way. In this article, we will only talk about booklets.
Do you think printable marketing materials are no longer relevant in the digital world? Specialists won’t agree with you.
“The decline in print advertising predicted by marketers has been exaggerated. Even in the digital age, people still value tangible modern print materials such as booklets, maps, and travel guides,” says Ian Cross, Director of Bentley University’s Centre for Marketing Technology (CMT). Under his leadership, a study was conducted on the popularity of booklets in the tourism industry.
This is what the results showed:
The booklets are used not only in tourism but in all other spheres from entertainment to insurance. They can be distributed wherever there is physical contact with customers, for example:
Before starting to design a booklet, decide on the size and fold type of the sheet.
To choose the size and type of fold, answer the following questions:
How do I start the design? What kind of text should I write? Where can I get photos? We have formulated a few simple rules with all the necessary information.
The design doesn’t start with the selection of visual elements, but with a thorough analysis of the target audience. After all, you create advertising for them. The analysis includes physical (age, gender, place of residence, social status, occupation) and psychological (interests, hobbies, desires, values, limiting beliefs) characteristics. You should select colors, fonts, illustrations, and write a text based on these characteristics.
To do this, decide on the task advertising will solve. What should your audience do after reading the booklet: come to the shop, use a discount coupon, or take part in an event?
When you answer this question, formulate the message and ensure it is readable. If you report discounts then don’t describe the company’s history. Focus on the specific products you want to sell instead. If you call for participation in crowdfunding then emphasize the uniqueness and mission of the project you are raising money for.
The tone of the message depends on the target audience. When advertising a language school for children a friendly tone and bright images will be appropriate while advertising legal services will require a more official style without humor or flirting with clients.
A booklet is not a book: people read advertising materials quickly, so the information should be concise and well-structured. To convey the message you need to:
Photos or illustrations should broadcast the main message on an equal basis with the text. To do this:
Remember the task of the booklet? It’s high time to briefly formulate it in the CTA (“call to action”) to explain what clients should do after reading it.
The booklet is as much a part of the brand identity as your website or business cards and therefore should complement the image of the brand.
Use corporate colors, fonts, and logos to be remembered and recognized. If you have no identity yet, ZenBusiness’s online service can help you develop it. Here you can develop your logo, choose colors and fonts in just a few clicks to create a visual brand image.
Advertising is not a chance to show the best at once. Avoid scads of photos, graphics, and text.The simple and neat design delivers the message much more effectively than dozens of elements that compete for readers’ attention.
There are three main ways to develop printed advertising materials.
Excellent design on the computer screen does not guarantee that advertising material will look just as good when printed. To avoid the effect “expectation – reality” effect, follow a few simple steps.
The choice depends on the budget, form, and content of the booklet.
If you work with a designer he will most likely set the right settings for printing. If you are developing the layout on your own, be sure to convert the color scheme of the file from RGB (used for computer) to CMYK (allows to display colors correctly for printing). Besides, note that you will need a file in one of the vector formats (SVG, EPS, AI, PDF) to scale the image without affecting its quality.
Use this map: enter “printing house” in the search bar to find nearest to you. Select a print shop based on customer feedback, check the layout requirements, and make an order.
Once you launch an advertisement analyze its effectiveness. Its indicators may be vouchers cut out and used in the store, website traffic (if you use a QR code), or customer surveys (to find out whom the print ad pushed to the target action).
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