Want to establish contact with a young audience? With a 90% penetration rate in the U.S. among people aged between 13 and 24 years Snapchat is one of the most suitable platforms for this. Its biggest advantages are the popularity among young people, creative tools, and low competition. In this article, we will tell you in detail how to promote your business in Snapchat.
The platform was launched in 2011 as a messenger for quick photo sharing (a “snap” is an instant shot). Today the service allows exchanging photos and short videos that automatically disappear after 24 hours. Here are five key facts you need to know about Snapchat:
Statistics show that Snapchat is not suitable for every business. These are the cases when it is worth considering promotion in this social network:
Messages (the so-called snaps) consist of photos or videos. They make up stories that are available during the day. Snaps can only be shared with friends or made available to all users. The social network offers no likes, savings, or comments, but has many tools for creating content.
It is important to know that you can’t create a business account on Snapchat like on Facebook or Instagram, and you can register on the platform only from your cell phone. Here is how to do it step by step.
1. Download the app from the App Store or Google Play Store.
2. Open the app, select “Register” on the home screen, and then enter your date of birth and name. For business, use your company name.
3. Customize your profile: click the ghost icon at the top of the screen to choose the main photo. We recommend using a logo for this purpose to increase brand awareness. If you have no logo yet, use ZenBusiness’s online service to create it in a few clicks.
4. Create a Snapcode that works as a QR code. Snapcode performs two functions: it attracts users to your Snapchat account and contains additional data. So, having scanned Snapcode on any platform, people will be automatically added to your friends. And if you include information about the company (e.g., website and contacts) in the code you can lead potential customers to the sales funnel.
5. Make the stories public. By default, the stories on the platform are only available to friends. To make them visible to the entire audience, change this option in the settings.
When you set up your account and familiarize yourself with the tools, start thinking about your promotion strategy. Below you’ll find some tips on how to do it.
Show your product and the “human” side of the company to the subscribers. The content has to be unique: do not copy messages from other social networks. Make a content plan for one or two weeks in advance. This is what it can consist of and how to create it:
To succeed in Snapchat, regularity is important. It would be perfect to publish content daily so that your followers don’t forget about you.
Snapchat users value personality and the ability to entertain. Try different ideas, for example:
Snapchat offers no analytics tools yet available on other social networks. You can track the effectiveness of the promotion by indirect indicators such as the number of views of stories and screenshots. The statistics will be available within 24 hours after the publication of snaps. Another indicator of involvement is personal messages sents as replies to stories.
We advise you to analyze which content is the most popular and optimize your marketing strategy according to these criteria. Remember that thanks to the young audience trends are changing quickly. So, try to be different and don’t be afraid to experiment.
Snapchat is an easy-to-use marketing tool that is different from other social networks. Do not neglect it if your business is aimed at a young audience. This platform will help to show your personality and start a “live” dialogue with potential customers.
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