Just because you’re an introvert doesn’t mean you can’t be successful at networking. The trick for anyone, whether introverted or not, is to find your natural and preferred style of networking.
Why do we have a visceral reaction to the word networking? I often hear the mental machinations that hold us back like, “I have nothing to say.” or “They don’t want to talk to me.” The other roadblock is how it feels… yucky! I have heard people refer to networking as manipulation, pasting on a smile, schmoozing, (which sounds like oozing, which makes me think of an open wound – definitely yucky!)
You see someone working the room. They are always engaged in conversation, smiling, maybe laughing loudly and often. Do you look at that person and think; “Wow, I wish I could network like that.” Do you think there is a way networking “should be”? Or do you have a vision for what a “good networker” does or looks like? I am here to tell you the most effective networking doesn’t look or feel like networking.
What do you like to do? Do you prefer to do things in big groups or one-on-one? Or maybe you feel most comfortable connecting virtually? Our energy ebbs and flows during different times of day, in different situations, locations, and atmospheres. Once we understand the nature of our Networking Energy, we can use it to create opportunities that work with our natural and preferred style. Remember, we don’t want to fake it: pretending to be up when we’re down, pretending to be fascinated when we’re bored just doesn’t work.
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So, eliminate your existing perceptions about the way networking “should” be. Each of us must find the networking situations that we want to go to, not the ones we think we should attend. When you choose situations in which you are most comfortable – in other words; match your networking energy – your authentic self will emerge. When that happens, you display confidence and leverage your natural style.
If you are an introvert, the key is to listen to your own rhythms. Don’t try to emulate your extroverted colleagues; instead, pay attention to what makes you comfortable. Here are five tips to leverage your introverted networking energy.
At the end of the day, whatever you decide feels authentic and true then that’s your networking energy. I can tell you all day that not talking constantly or preferring to talk one-on-one is ok, but the only thing that will make it ok for you is that YOU decide it’s ok.
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Connectors do not need to be extroverts! Many introverts are amazing Connectors with their own way to do it. They leverage their natural listening skills to make people feel heard. They are able to focus their attention on the person in front of them. All of these innately introverted qualities are advantages when it comes to connection.
Michelle Tillis Lederman is the author of The Connector’s Advantage: 7 Mindsets to Grow Your Influence and Impact and CEO of Executive Essentials, a communications and management training, and coaching firm. For more information, please visit, www.michelletillislederman.com and connect with her on Twitter, @mtlederman, and Linkedin.
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