Developed over time, brand image is the current view that customers have of your business. However, sometimes a business’ brand image can become stale, which can in turn drastically affect profits. If you think your brand image could be improved, read on to find out more.
It is absolutely paramount to understand where you’re starting from, in order to enhance and alter your brand image effectively. Take a long, hard look at your brand, and ensure that you are being honest rather than aspirational.
For example, perhaps you need to enlist some web scraping services to find out more about your industry? Ask yourself these three questions: why do customers choose us? Relative to other brands serving the same customers, how does our brand stack up? How would our brand attributes change if we better served our customers? To find these answers utilize web scraping, which can also be done yourself from using top web scraping tips.
Although you may have your own personal preferences, these may not be the same as your target demographic’s. Your brand image needs to speak to your target audience about what they value. Think about the colors, fonts, imagery and copy that convey the message you’re trying to communicate to your audience. People will judge you — at least initially — by your appearance, so think long and hard about how to convey your brand image in everything you do, always putting the customer first.
Your logo isn’t the only thing that communicates a message to customers.
Remember that every single person in your company is a brand ambassador. Therefore, it’s essential that you hire staff extremely carefully, and begin to build your brand from the inside out. Ensure that you are setting the correct tone, and that all of your employees understand your values, how you operate and what kind of a customer experience you intend to deliver.
This way, your brand image and experience will be consistent, encouraging repeat customers that are satisfied. What is your brand promise; do all of your employees know it and act accordingly?
Of course, substance is important.
However, with that being said, many people will make snap decisions about your brand based on the first impression. If they react positively, they will delve deeper to find out more. However, if they dislike your brand, they will take their business elsewhere.
Thus, it’s key that you review all of your potential customer touch points to ensure that prospective customers get a brand-appropriate first impression. What impression do you want customers to take away when they visit your website, stop by your trade show booth, connect with you on LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter, come to your offices or meet your employees
A universal consistency is critical to building the success of your business. Ensure that you never deliver an off-brand experience, as customers like knowing what to expect with your company. Familiar is safe, and this means that you need to deliver on-brand experiences across sales, customer support and accounts receivable calls, in all your direct marketing efforts, on social media channels, throughout your PR and advertising programs, on the web, etc. Everything your business touches should be an extension of your mission statement. Once customers understand that your brand image is thorough, they will trust you. Consumer trust is an essential part of long-term business success.
When executed through intelligent advertising campaigns and with a consistent theme, your brand image can be one of the most powerful tools that your business possesses. Ensure that you stick to these 5 tips to keep your brand’s image ahead of the game.
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