Does your office have problems with employee turnover? Providing new workers with a mentor can help keep them happy and in one place!
Many companies have discovered that the use of a mentor for new employees not only helps them settle into their job and company environment, but also contributes to a lower turnover rate. A mentor, basically, is someone who serves as a counselor, a guide or coach. Being asked to serve as a mentor is an honor. It indicates that the company has faith in the person’s abilities and trusts him or her to have a positive impact on the situation.
The use of a mentor may be an informal, short-term situation or a more formal, long-term assignment. In an informal mentoring program, the mentor usually helps the new employee for a limited period of time. Advice from the mentor may include the most basic of information about everyday routines including tips about “do’s and don’ts” not found in the employee manual to helping the employee learn new job responsibilities. A mentor available to answer routine questions also saves time for the supervisor or manager. In addition, new employees often feel more comfortable asking questions of a peer instead of a supervisor.
In a program of this type, mentors often are volunteers. Forcing someone who does not want to serve as a mentor to do so can quickly create problems. Someone with a negative attitude, who might encourage a new employee to gripe and complain, should not serve as a mentor.
A more formal version of mentoring occurs when an organization either appoints an employee or brings someone from the outside with extensive knowledge and experience to serve as a mentor for people the company feels has excellent potential for growth. The mentor’s role usually lasts for an extended period of time. This relationship usually lasts for months or until the person mentored reaches a certain level.
Whether informal or formal, both parties need to understand the parameters. These may be more important in a long-term, formal mentoring situation, but can also influence the success of short-term, informal mentoring.
The mentor’s role is to teach and advise the new employee. The mentor does not interfere with the supervisor or manager’s decisions. The new employee, while expected to seek the mentor’s advice, particularly on critical issues, is not bound to accept that advice.
* Confidentiality is important. Both parties need to feel confident that discussions remain between them–not immediately relayed to a supervisor or manager.
* Certain areas may be considered off-limits. The mentor needs to outline these areas at the beginning.
* Decide in advance (again, particularly with long-term mentoring) how you will communicate. Will you have regularly scheduled meetings? Will discussion be face-to-face, over the telephone or even via e-mail communication? Both parties need to make their preferences known at the beginning and reach an acceptable compromise if the preferences are different.
* Discuss time limits. If the mentoring period has a time limit (example, the first thirty days) the mentor should state that at the beginning.
* Discuss time commitments. Again, this may be more critical for the long-term, formal mentoring. The mentor must expect to give the new employee adequate time, but the newcomer should not expect excessive amounts of time. Setting a schedule at the beginning (example: meet once a week the first month, then once a month after that) avoids irritating misunderstandings later.
* Openness and respect: Both the mentor and the person being mentored need to be open and honest, yet respect the other. A mentor who withholds important information or comments does not contribute to the other person’s success. However, such comments should be delivered with tact and courtesy–and (even if somewhat hurtful) received with an open mind.
Most often the role of mentor is associated with serving as advisor to a new employee. However, persons interested in changing career fields might seek out a mentor or a business coach to help them evaluate their decision and offer guidance. Or, an employee with concerns about advancement within the company might seek out a mentor to assist in his or her professional growth.
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