When you’re self-employed, you’ll have more control over your income than you would in a conventional full-time job. If you want more work and more money, you can hunt down more clients to get it. If you want more free time and less income temporarily, you can optimize your workload for that as well.
However, no matter how carefully you plan, you’ll still be subject to unexpected swings as business changes. One of the best tools you have to protect yourself against this volatility is income diversification.
Why Diversification Is Effective
Diversification is a way to establish multiple lines of income from multiple independent sources. It’s an effective strategy because different industries and income sources will be affected by market conditions differently, resulting in a complementary balancing effect. For example, if your consulting work starts to dwindle, you may find rent prices increasing at the same time. Also, as you gain more experience in each area, you’ll experience a cumulative rise in income, resulting in a faster path toward wealth and financial security.
Strategies for Income Diversification
There are hundreds of ways to secure income, some of which are forms of “active” income that require ongoing work, and some of which are forms of “passive” income that don’t require much ongoing maintenance, but may require significant upfront work.
These are some of the most common and approachable ways to diversify your income
A Note on Time Management
Every source of income will require a time investment, whether it’s a lump sum of time at the beginning of the strategy, or an ongoing, dedicated number of hours on a weekly or daily basis. The biggest problem you’re likely to face in diversifying your income streams is time management. Fortunately, you can use these tips to offset the challenge:
Within a few months of your new income distribution, you’ll start to realize the benefits. All it takes is one slip in incoming work to make you grateful you have a backup source.
This article was written by Anna Johansson. Anna is the founder and CEO of Johansson Consulting where she works with businesses to create marketing and PR campaigns.
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