You can use Internet auctions to drive traffic to your website using these tips.
You have probably heard about Internet auctions. This is no small wonder considering online auctions are one of the first Internet commerce models to really take off. Let’s take a look at how you can leverage auctions to increase traffic flow into your website.
The first and most important site you must focus on is eBay. There are numerous different auction sites and each have their own rules and advantages. By far the one getting the most traffic is eBay. Start there first. Do not neglect Amazon or Yahoo. These two power house sites carry major traffic too.
Lets look at the several things you can do at auctions to gain some traffic.
1) Pick an auction ID to match web address. Every auction you run, every sale you make, every auction related e-mail you send will have your ID on it. When you ship the product be sure to insert follow-up sales material, your business card, and a thank-you note. Remember to use your web address on the shipping materials as well.
2) Auction a targeted item to promote your site or product. A typical hot item might receive 300-400 page views in a week. Remember your listing fee is usually only 25 cents for items starting under $10.00 on many major auction sites. Take into account that typical cost per click on a banner network is 25 cents you have the makings for a great return on investment.
3) Use the “About Me Page”. Many auction sites, eBay included, provide an About Me section. Again it’s time to break out your list of links and point that page toward your sites and talk about your business. Be informal but be professional.
4) Keep in mind that many auction networks have certain rules about what you can say or advertise inside your auction. Make sure any outbound links are relevant to the product you are selling. Some auction sites prohibit any up selling or affiliate type of links inside the auction ad.
5) Work deals with other sellers that compliment your product. Many small businesses are ready to strike an alliance. Power sellers see, talk and influence a lot of people. For example, you could provide a computer seller a discount coupon for your repair service.
6) Advertise your excess banner inventory at auction. This is the easiest way to get the word out about your site. Make sure your auction is stuffed with keywords that relate to your topic. When users do searches on their topics your site will come up in the search! As a bonus you may sell excess inventory and make new advertising connections.One important consideration – it is paramount that you keep a good positive profile, interact promptly and close your auctions professionally. Also keep in mind that running several auctions at one time or on different networks can be time consuming. Plan accordingly or hire an expert to manage your auctions for you.—–Wayne Porter is the founder and president of Arcweb Media LLC, an affiliate marketing and consulting company. More information can be found at Arcweb Media’s Affiliate Marketing Help site at
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