We have already briefly mentioned this format in this article “Image file formats – JPEG, PNG, SVG, PDF”. Now let`s analyze the pros and cons of the format in more detail.
PDF was developed by the team of Adobe Systems. Developers set the goal to create a format that can be displayed and opened the same on any device. PDF is often associated with “paperless office” and used for printing and designing.
– popularity of formats. PDF can be opened on any device with any operating system in exactly the same form in which it was created;
– easy for viewing. Adobe Acrobat Reader is often pre-installed on your computer and it is totally free;
– PDF takes little space on your hard drive, because it supports a variety of image compression algorithms;
– user can customize the security settings, for example, prohibit printing or editing. Format allows using electronic signatures to determine the authenticity of the document.
– it’s not free to edit PDF files;
– it’s easier to edit files in other formants than in PDF, because PDF files must be edited in specialized programs;
– it’s difficult to work with text in PDF files, because they are perceived as a picture.
PDF format is used for storage and transmission of textual and graphical information on the Internet. PDF is excellent to use for corporate goals. For example, for placing a price list or an agreement. See also instruction about how to edit PDF files.
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