When you just don’t get along with someone at work, it can make life miserable for you both. And though you might wish for a personality transplant for your annoying coworker, that’s probably not going to happen. Here are seven steps you can take that may help make things better.
Personality conflicts are the most commonly reported problems in the workplace. Too often these conflicts go unresolved because people concentrate on the personalities rather than focusing on the issues. When they escalate, they create a toxic work environment.
In any relationship, both people influence the other’s behavior. In personality conflicts, both parties bear some responsibility for where “things are at.” Conflicts can rip teams apart and destroy morale and quality of life.
We can’t control or change the other person’s personality, but we can certainly control our own emotions and change the way we react to them.
Many people who are involved in personality conflicts recruit allies among their co-workers. This can create polarization among co-workers and escalate the situation. While you are passionately upset about this, others are not, and most often, co-workers are uncomfortable and sometimes frightened over the situation. This behavior is disruptive to the organization and makes it more difficult to fix the situation. Focus on what you can do to make things better!
They know how to push your buttons, and they have done so over time. By not responding immediately, you give yourself some time to think through your response. This pause may cause the other person to think that you are backing down, and they will begin to de-escalate.
How are you contributing to this situation? What role are you playing in the escalation of things? The key is to focus on what you can do differently. What can you do to make things better? If you can figure out your role in the dynamic, you’ll learn something important about yourself, and you may be able to de-escalate the conflict.
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For instance, the individual you are dealing with is screaming and yelling and wanting to be right! Instead of becoming annoyed and irritated at their unprofessional behavior, picture them as a child wearing a diaper and throwing a temper tantrum. This allows you to take a step back and not engage.
Remind yourself of the contributions that the other person brings to your company or your team.
When things are going badly, we tend to focus on what doesn’t work and all the negatives. Focusing on the positive helps us to at least get back to a neutral space and look at things a little more objectively.
Say things such as, “I’ve noticed that we seem to have differences. I have some ideas about how we might be able to work together more effectively, and I would like to hear your thoughts.” Invite them to be a part of the solution and really listen to their ideas. If you’re unable to communicate either because you are too angry or the other person is, then walk away gracefully rather than standing your ground and allowing things to escalate.
It’s important to keep track of the confrontations. If you’re not able to de-escalate the conflict early on, take the issue to your immediate supervisor or someone in your HR department and have a neutral party mediate the situation.
Conflicts should never be swept under the rug. If you are the supervisor or manager and have employees involved in a personality conflict, coach them to resolve their own situation, and if that doesn’t work, step in! You have a responsibility to the other employees to get control of this situation.
Carol Fredrickson is the CEO and Founder of Violence Free. Clients rely on her skills, knowledge, and expertise to prevent six- and seven-figure lawsuits and, more importantly, to avert workplace violence.
Disclaimer: The content on this page is for information purposes only and does not constitute legal, tax, or accounting advice. If you have specific questions about any of these topics, seek the counsel of a licensed professional.
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