Do you hope to one day rise to the very top of your field? The new book, Corporate Rise: The X Principles of Extreme Personal Leadership gives you insider information on how to do just that.
Corporate Rise: The X Principles of Extreme Personal LeadershipBy Curtis J. Crawford, Ph.D.Buy this book from
If your burning ambition is to be the CEO of your company one day, then you’re going to need to hurry up.
According to CEO Curtis J. Crawford, PhD, an ambitious, aspiring leader can’t afford to stay in one position longer than three years – enough time to demonstrate proficiency and make a significant contribution – before moving on. To acquire the broad skills and knowledge to be CEO material requires about ten job changes, or about thirty years.
That’s just one of the bold ideas in a new business book by Dr. Crawford called Corporate Rise: The X Principles of Extreme Personal Leadership. Written for people who are shooting for the stars, this book lays out a rare insider’s track to becoming an extremely successful personal leader – what he calls an X-Leader.
Are all X-Leaders CEO’s? No. Extreme leadership is a state of being and behaving, not a position. So while he shows ambitious employees the road that leads to the corporate pinnacle, he also offers detailed action plans for: senior executives, corporate directors, specialist such as sales representatives and accountants, and even corporate customers.
His eleven X-Principles provide the structure for improving your careers and your company, no matter what your position.
Learn the principles of extreme personal leadership
X-Principle One: Develop peopleX-Leaders understand that in a corporation, success is not a solo achievement. They are as committed to the success of others as they are to themselves. They have a passion for developing people, and do not declare total victory until all the people around them have succeeded. They leverage their success through the success of their team.
X-Principle Two: Inspire peopleX-Leaders find imaginative ways to transform themselves for the better, and to inspire others. They motivate themselves and others to reach higher levels of performance by linking great ideas to exhilarating images of success. They are intensely committed to delivering exceptional results. In fact, one way they discourage their competition is by consistently pursuing excellence.
X-Principle Three: Cultivate creativityFor X-Leaders, creativity is a source of power. They look at common things in unconventional ways. They expose old issues to new options and develop fresh approaches to long-standing problems. They are willing to tackle compelling problems with solutions that others don’t dare to imagine. When the problem is solved, their competitors ask: Why didn’t we think of that?
X-Principle Four: Be customer-centricX-Leaders realize that unless someone buys something from their company, everything they do is totally irrelevant. They are always seeking new ways to demonstrate their passion to earn 100 percent of their customers’ business and loyalty.
X-Principle Five: Be a visionaryX-Leaders are visionaries who anticipate the future and identify marketplace opportunities before they become trends. They often know what customers will need before the customers do. By focusing on what is possible, they heighten the slope of their industry’s creativity curve.
X-Principle Six: Demand transparencyX-Leaders drive their companies with decisions grounded in facts. They insist on exchanging information with all employees and customers, and they seek opportunities to tell everyone what they need to know.
To find out X-Principles Seven though Eleven – and to learn more about how you can get started now on experiencing the “higher ground” – read Dr. Crawford’s book, Corporate Rise: The X Principles of Extreme Personal Leadership.
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Copyright 2005 Curtis J. Crawford
Published by XCEO, Inc.
Curtis J. Crawford, PhD, is a nationally recognized expert in executive leadership and corporate governance, and the author of Corporate Rise: The X Principles of Extreme Personal Leadership.
Dr. Crawford is President and CEO OF XCEO, Inc., a unique consulting firm that energizes organizational planning and development, accelerates learning and career advancement for high-potential executives, and provides governance support to enlightened leaders and their companies. The best practices at XCEO are based on the eleven X-Principles developed by Dr. Crawford and presented in his book.
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