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Skyrocket Your Business to the Next Level with a Virtual PBX System

Are you trying to grow your business? Have you tried enhancing your phone service? Virtual PBX is an innovative service that any forward-thinking brand should try. Maybe you travel a lot and need to manage incoming calls from different places in the world. Or you might have just started a business and don’t count on a lot of capital. With a free virtual PBX system, you can take care of these issues.

More and more companies are using telephones as their main tool. It’s only a matter of time before everything evolves to virtual telephone services. Think about it. What exactly is a virtual PBX system though? Let’s find out.

The Basics

PBX is a virtual system that doesn’t require an actual phone line, software or hardware to operate. All you need is a good Wifi connection. Like many other online services we use, virtual PBX is also free. Once you bring your telephone service to the online world, everything is more simple. Virtual PBX comes with many features that will help your business run successfully. Some of the main ones are:

  • Receive local number calls
  • Forward calls to any phone number or VoIP
  • Custom recorded messages
  • Voicemail boxes & call routing to extension numbers
  • Fax forwarding by email
  • Conference call hosting

Never Miss A Call

If you’re a traveling worker, you may run into certain inconveniences now and then. Not to mention, the costs of long-distance phone calls can really add up. Free PBX systems allow you to set up your calls by just knowing how to drag and click, almost like a game. Program your calls so that they’re automatically forwarded to multiple destinations. Do this simultaneously or by predefined order. Say someone’s calling your number in England, the system will forward it to your number in Toronto. Now you can run your business as if you were always at the same place. Even get co-workers or an office number to receive your calls as well.

A PBX system also lets you pick how long you want the phone to ring before it gets forwarded to the next number. Or get all programmed phone lines to ring at once, whatever fits your needs best. If you run a larger business, you may program options oriented towards your caller’s needs when they call. All the client has to do is punch in a number and PBX will forward their call to whoever they need to speak to. As if that weren’t enough, if you miss a call you can also receive a notification via email.

Basically, you never miss a call. Think about how beneficial this is for your business. You can meet your clients’ every need, and they don’t get charged for the call either either.

Time To Innovate

The way things look in today’s modern world, everything moves towards “the cloud”. As time goes by, more brands choose to go with an established virtual online service. Instead of developing an expensive system of your own, PBX does it for you. This makes it easier to do business with other companies. Even start ups can professionalize themselves right off the bat. Virtual PBX is practical and not to mention, free. Everything is neatly set up and ready to go. You can even manage it from an app on your phone.

Anyone seeking an innovative upgrade for their business will enjoy virtual PBX. Impress clients and brands with a free online system that will save you money and time. It doesn’t get any better than that!


John Pearson

John is a serial entrepreneur and writer who is passionate about helping small businesses launch and grow. His work has been featured in Huffington Post, Entrepreneur, and Forbes.

by December 13, 2021


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