Work-at-home moms face unique challenges when the summer months roll around. How do you keep your kids entertained and happy while still running a business? Here’s advice from seasoned work-at-home moms on what to do.
Summertime presents a challenge each year for home-based working moms around the country. Continuing to run one’s business while keeping the kids entertained is a task too daunting for almost any super mom. Kids need attention. They want to have fun. They want to play, go to the park, have friends over, go swimming, and so on. Meanwhile, clients are calling, the email box is filling up, and those day-to-day tasks are stacking up by the minute.
It’s enough to make anyone’s head spin. So what’s a home-based working mom to do? Don’t despair. We have some great tips and advice from real home-based working moms to make your summer less stressful and more enjoyable.
Karen Snyder of Pipersville, Pennsylvania, suggests:
Eileen Richardson of Del Mar, California, advises:
Fran Fuerst of Brooklyn, New York, suggests:
Dana Sacco of Ashburn, Virginia, says some secret weapons are:
Sandra Hood of Newport News, Virginia, offers:
Tricia Russell of Pfafftown, North Carolina, suggests:
Mary Tobin of Wilmington, North Carolina, says:
Lesley Spencer Pyle, founder of the National Association of Home-Based Working Moms of Austin, Texas, offers additional tips:
The key is balance and planning. Balance your work and your family by planning dedicated time to each. The reason many moms choose to work at home is for the freedom and flexibility it allows. Use that flexibility to your advantage. Look at it as a way to enjoy each stage and each day with your children. The summer will be over before we know it and those memories will be worth making.
Lesley Spencer Pyle is founder and director of the National Association of Home-Based Working Moms, an association dedicated to helping working moms stay closer to their children. Visit them online at:
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