When you work for yourself, one of the biggest challenges is figuring out how to take time off. No, it’s not easy, but the fact is, you can’t afford not to get away. If you’re like most of us, you went into business for yourself because…
Consider the story of the lawyer who once worked for a law firm that, it seemed, was quite generous with their time-off policy: three paid weeks a year. Woo-hoo!
But it was only after the lawyer started that he “got” the fine print — he was allowed the time off but only if he still billed his requisite 90 hours for the time he was gone. He got three weeks off, but only if he worked an extra three weeks later in the year.
Bad job, that one.
So, if you’re the boss now, be a good one. Give yourself a break. Even better, give yourself a long break. You deserve it.
This can mean many things:
If, in fact, you can’t get away without closing the office or shop, then consider hiring part-time help, a temp, or a ways to improve and grow your business who can man the essential functions while you’re gone.
No, they can’t do everything you do, but you just might be surprised at how much they can do. The key is proper training and good communication. Consider having a meeting every few days over the phone.
It’s a blasphemous thought, I know. But the point of getting away is to get away. Constantly checking emails and making calls not only defeats the purpose, but it also ticks off people who you’re supposed to be relaxing with.
Call and check in a bit, sure, but there is no need to do it constantly.
Get extra work done before you go. By getting ahead, you make getting away much more doable.
Don’t tell everyone you’ll be back in the office Tuesday. Tell them Thursday. Then, when you get back on Tuesday, you can have a few days of uninterrupted time to catch up.
If getting away from it all still seems too difficult, consider making a business trip a family trip. It will save you money, allow you to still work a bit, but also have some needed R&R.
Finally, if a week away is not your thing, for whatever reason, then consider simply having more long weekends. You will rejuvenate your batteries, yet still get work done.
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