What are the best marketing ideas for a small business with a tight budget? These 36 cost-effective marketing methods will help you increase sales without spending a fortune.
Small business owners know that marketing is the key to bringing in business and retaining clients. But how can you reach customers effectively — especially now — when your marketing budget is very small? Fortunately, there are many low-cost marketing ideas you can use to bring in new business and get existing clients to return. Some methods may be new to you, but the way you’ve always done things in the past may not be the way to do things now. Furthermore, marketing to the customers you’ve always served may mean you’re ignoring a whole new group of potential customers. So, be open to testing new marketing tactics.
Here are budget-friendly marketing ideas you can use to grow your business today. We’ve included marketing tips for a wide range of businesses. Pick and choose the ones that are most appropriate for your type of business.
Review your marketing goals and marketing plan. If you don’t have them, create them. Trying to market without specific goals and a plan wastes time and money. Whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been in business for years, you need to understand who you need to market to today and how to reach those people.
Consider your business from a customer’s point of view. What’s good. What isn’t? What, if anything, makes your business a standout? What do they wish you’d change? Where else can they buy what you sell? What do you/can you offer that competitors don’t?
Be an active networker. Join and get actively involved with organizations that your customers might belong to. Depending on what you sell, that might be local business associations, sports organizations, consumer, or parent groups. Remember, though, that your goal is to build name recognition and trust, not to be constantly promoting what you sell. If you are inexperienced, these networking tips will help you learn the ropes.
Put photos of your establishment, products, and services on your website. Before visiting, prospects may want to know what your establishment looks like and to see images of what you sell, or the results of services you provide. The photos aren’t a substitute for benefits-focused web copy, but they will help provide visual clues about the nature and quality of what you sell.
Get listed in Google My Business and other online directories. If your business is local, join local business groups that maintain member directories and be sure you’re listed in those. The business owner who heard you talk about SEO at the Chamber meeting may remember you as the “SEO gal,” and might remember your name, but not your company or phone number. Being listed in member directories will help that person find you when they need your services.
Get involved in social media. Ask your customers which social networks they participate in, and then spend a few minutes a day participating in the ones most customers use.
Redecorate your space. If you rent space, chances are your landlord is responsible for painting and replacing carpeting and major things like that. But there are still other things you can do to redecorate. Updating furnishings you own, putting new photos on the walls, adding a large potted plant or two, hanging seasonal decorations, will make your business look better to customers and prospects and will help boost employee morale.
Display your credentials, awards, and press mentions. If you have clients who come to your place of business, hang certificates, degrees, and other credentials where visitors can see them on your office wall. Do the same with awards and significant press mentions, or photos of results you’ve gotten for clients. The display will serve as confirmation of your expertise.
Upgrade your signage. Are your signs getting a little old and shabby? Is your neon sign flickering? Can people even see the name of your store or what you do from the street? If your signage is old and unimpressive, look into upgrading it. Check first to be sure you comply with local signage laws and with rules established by your landlord.
Next Up: Check out our “Valentine’s day marketing ideas” post.
Need more marketing ideas? Here are 42 more ways to market your business.
See also: What Are Small Businesses Afraid Of?
Disclaimer: The content on this page is for informational purposes only, and does not constitute legal, tax, or accounting advice. If you have specific questions about any of these topics, seek the counsel of a licensed professional.
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