Now you are probably scanning this article along the trajectory of the letter F: you’re looking at the title, reading the first lines of each block, and paying attention to the illustrations. We have put key information in these parts of the article to interest you.
This is how visual hierarchy works, that is, the arrangement of elements in a certain sequence, which improves user experience. Read more about all the nuances of visual hierarchy in this article.
This is the principle of placing components in the order of their importance. The “smart” design helps users to easily navigate the menu, quickly find the information they need or click on the “Buy” button. The less effort they put into it, the better the impression of your website and, as a result, of your brand.
Let’s take a closer look at what tasks visual hierarchy performs:
For example, the Apple website has a logo and a short menu at the top (information), and the entire first screen is occupied by iPhone 12 advertising with a huge color photo (emotional impact). The large blocks below tell about other company products (convenience).
The priority of the page content can be emphasized with the help of:
These components can be structured according to two principles:
How many headers are needed on a page? How to work with color blocks? Why is it important to leave blank space? We’ll tell you in detail about all the tools that can help with the design.
The style, weight, and size of the font prioritize the text and suggest what to pay attention to:
The easiest way to pay attention to the text or photos is to enlarge them. For example, in the online store Asos, the whole first screen is occupied by two large photos of models in branded clothing.
But be careful with zooming in: do not zoom in all at once and make sure that no other components are lost behind a large image or headline.
Manage your audience’s attention with colors:
Do not try to put as much on the screen as possible: the “air” between components is as important as the text, images, and graphics:
Most pictures in digital space look flat. To highlight an area of the page, give it some depth and volume:
Symmetry creates balance and ease of perception, while asymmetry emphasizes the importance of certain areas. For example, Happiness Abscissa, an online merchant of fragrances, focuses our attention on the logo of two “scattered” letters and asymmetrically arranged products.
Left, right, or center alignment shows that the components are interrelated. The upper left corner most often contains a logo, then links to the menu sections, below is a slogan and a call to action, as on the main page of ZenBusiness’s logo designer. To develop an emblem, no effort is required: under a short description, there’s a box to enter the name of the company and get a ready-to-use logo in a couple of seconds.
The secret of successful design is to highlight the most important elements. If there are bright colors, large bold letters, lots of images all over the screen, it will confuse and deter users. Focus on two things:
Having prepared the layout of the online page, make sure that you have set priorities correctly. To do this, use the so-called blurring technique.
Take a screenshot, upload it to Photoshop or another photo editor, and enable the blurring function. Those elements that you want to emphasize should be highlighted, and all others should turn into an indistinguishable spot. If you’re not satisfied with the result, go back to the original layout and edit it.
When people enter the site, they scan it for milliseconds and decide whether to stay or leave. How can you help them quickly navigate? Remember that there are two main patterns of scanning in online space – F and Z. These are the trajectories that must be used to locate key content.
Similar to the trajectory of the letter Z, the eye slides from the upper left corner to the right corner, then to the lower left and lower right corner.
This template best suits platforms with laconic design, little text, and a call to action at the end. This structure is used by the Spotify audio streaming service: in the page header, we see the logo on the left, the menu on the right, a large slogan in the center, and a free download offer at the bottom.
In the center of the screen, you can place not only the title but also an image. Its choice should be carefully considered: Nielsen’s research has shown that informative photos in Z-pattern are perceived better than decorative ones. In other words, you should choose a real illustration of the product rather than a faceless stock photo.
In this case, people scan the screen by the trajectory of the letter F, focusing on the cap and the left side. This pattern is most often used by platforms with a lot of text, such as blogs or news portals like The New York Times, where key information is at the top of the page and the news is on the left.
Here’s what Nielsen found out in the F-pattern study:
Visual hierarchy is an opportunity to create a fascinating story on the site and lead potential customers to the target action: buy goods, subscribe to the mailing list, read the article. Each element in the design should improve the user experience and broadcast your message. Let’s summarize the steps that will help you to achieve this:
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