Since you spend the biggest portion of your day in your office, it says something about you. Not many people know that their office space is actually a testament to how organized, inspired, hardworking or lazy they are.
Everything from the décor to the arrangement of furniture tells a story and leaves a certain impression on their business partners, associates and clients – therefore, whether you make a good or bad impression depends on your office.
So, what does your office say about you?
We’ve all seen these offices before – papers scattered all around the desk, plants covering every corner, a jacket casually thrown over the chair, and about a million folders, binders and documents springing out of the filing cabinet! Upon entering, you can’t even tell if there’s anyone in there since you can see literally nothing apart from the mess.
What kind of a message do these offices send and what can you tell about the people working in them?
Not all people hate messy offices – some of the most creative people in the world used to work behind a messy desk, stating that the mess inspires them. However, this isn’t the case in the corporate world where a messy desk could harm your career more than you can imagine, conveying an image of a poor employee. A messy office means that you have poor work ethic and don’t respect yourself nor your company. Finally, it can also mean that you have concentration issues – people create a mess simply because they lack focus. And that’s not something you’d want your partners or clients to think about you.
On the other hand, people whose offices don’t have any decorations or personal belongings have a completely new set of problems. They are often seen as too organized individuals who lack imagination. While an organized office can really boost your productivity, don’t take things too far. Minimalists are highly valued in the business world because they are trustworthy, disciplined and hardworking, but is there anything behind this façade?
If you walk into someone’s office and see a desk that’s completely empty except for a laptop and a coffee mug, you might not find the occupant of such an office “organized”, but perhaps a little bit “inhuman” instead. Their desks show no signs of life, which might mean that they aren’t committed to their role in the company and could even be looking for another job as we speak. Minimalists are also infamous for their tardiness and having no creativity in anything they do – from decorating an office to writing reports.
Now, finding the middle ground between a mess and minimalism is hard and not always possible to achieve – not having anything in your office is bad, but taking things over the top is equally damaging. So, how many items should you have and how to arrange them?
First, start with the furniture: your office doesn’t have to have too many items, but a small number of high-quality pieces will do. A spacious desk, a comfortable chair and a filing cabinet that will accommodate all your documents is quite enough. Additionally, take location into account as well – offices in cold places need more stuff to keep the space warm and vice versa. And if you’re located in places like Sydney, office furniture should be light and shouldn’t occupy too much space; this way, it will reflect your relaxed yet responsible attitude towards work.
Well balanced people have no problem organizing their offices properly. They declutter from time to time, no matter how tiresome this activity is, but also know the optimal amount of decorations. They have no problem displaying the pictures of their family, knowing that these can only inspire them to work even harder. Ultimately, keeping their offices in order means they are hard-working and professional, which is a trait all employers value.
Your office sends lots of messages to your associates, but how to make sure it sends the right one? Keep three things in mind: it needs to be tidy, the furniture must be neat and there should be at least one or two personal belongings that will make you appear more humane and trustworthy.
Alex Williams is a contributor.
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