Word of mouth marketing is an effective and inexpensive way to advertise, attract and win over customers. When others talk positively about your business, it builds name recognition and trust that lead to sales. Here are 22 word of mouth marketing strategies that work for small business.
Word of mouth marketing (WOM) is what happens when someone who isn’t directly affiliated with your company talks about your business or recommends your products to other people. In other words, they advertise your product or service for you.
Word of mouth has always been an important tool for small businesses because when someone speaks positively about what you sell, it helps build the buyer’s confidence and trust that their purchase won’t be a mistake.
Big businesses often pour millions of dollars into advertising campaigns that imply people are talking about their products. In one Burlington clothing company ad campaign, for instance, consumers bragged about how much money they saved on clothes by shopping at Burlington. And, in a DSW Shoe television ad, one woman ran up to another and asked in awe, “Where did you get those shoes?” The answer: “DSW — It’s where you get those shoes.”
Small businesses don’t have that kind of money to spend. But savvy marketers are able to generate a buzz and get people talking about their products without spending a fortune on advertising. Here’s what you need to know to get people spreading the word about your business.
Related: Marketing strategies that work for small businesses
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