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6 Simple Tips to Work Less and Get More Done

Running a business is a never ending job, but working from sunup to sundown doesn’t have to be a permanent sentence. Here are six tips for getting it all done so you have time left to relax and enjoy life.

Every day people struggle to meet their deadlines and complete their daily “to do” list. Whether you have a job with so many demands that you never know if you are coming or going, or you are just having some issues with time management, you can “work less and accomplish more.”

“I don’t have enough time!” is a common complaint that many managers hear from their employees. And over the years, thanks to technology, that excuse seems to be at the top of the list when asked “why didn’t you accomplish this task?”

Between cell phones, tablets, laptops, e-mail and a host of other things that are now part of our daily lives, it’s a wonder that people find time to do their jobs and have a life at the same time. It seems as if everyone is running on a 24/7 lifestyle, and that can be very frustrating for workers at every level.

But many successful entrepreneurs, business leaders and even every day people have learned how to make the right choices so they can work less and accomplish more than they ever thought possible.

Here are some tips to help you get started in the right direction:

• Plan and prioritize– Everyone has a list of things they need to accomplish, so put them in order, assign a time limit and spring into action. Stop checking e-mail and stay away from other distractions until that one task is completed. You will feel better, and ready to start the next item on your list.

• Don’t overbook yourself – When creating that daily schedule, don’t cram it with items that will consume every waking hour. Build in breaks, free time, time for projects that run over, etc.

• Delegate – When possible, delegate tasks to other people that are available to assist you. Learn to let go, and rely on the expertise of other people.

• Outsource – If you don’t have the skills or people on your staff to do the things you want done, outsource the work to a small business who specializes in what you need done. 

• Focus on one project/task at a time – Walt Disney is a good example; when he took on a project, he would “plus it.” In other words, he would not allow himself to be distracted by other things, and he made sure he gave more than 100% of his time and energy to everything he was working on. (And look at what he was able to accomplish.)

• Have the right attitude – With the right attitude, you can accomplish anything. If you start your day thinking, “There is no way I will be able to get everything done today!” then you probably won’t; especially with that attitude. Instead, tell yourself, “I can’t wait to get started on this project and I am looking forward to giving it my best efforts!”

by September 12, 2019


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