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Best Italian Restaurant Name Ideas

Best Italian Restaurant Name Ideas

Follow our step-by-step guide to naming your italian restaurant business or use the business generator form below to see if your business name is available to register as a domain.

Get a quick list of italian restaurant company domain names to use as inspiration!

Ristorantes (Formal Fine Dining)

Ristorante Il SognoOsteria Bella TerraRistorante La Serenata
Trattoria Divina CucinaOsteria del VentoRistorante La Rosa Blu
Trattoria Il TesoroOsteria del CastelloRistorante Al Mare
Trattoria La TradizioneRistorante L’Antico FornoOsteria del Giardino
Trattoria Della NotteRistorante L’ArtigianoOsteria La Stella
Trattoria Fiore D’OroRistorante Il CavaliereOsteria di Montagna
Ristorante La FonteTrattoria del Cuore

Act fast! Our name ideas are updated regularly, and availability can change at any time. If you find a name you love, don’t wait — act now to secure it before it’s gone! Be sure to check back soon for fresh ideas.

Looking for a great Italian restaurant name for your new business to impress potential customers? This list has hundreds of name ideas — funny, cool and unique — for all types of Italian dishes — fancy fine dining cuisine, casual neighborhood Italian food, and pizzerias.

Plus an Italian restaurant name generator link, with tips on how to create your best new restaurant name, along with my tests and a list of names generated with this tool. Let’s get cooking Italian – Andiamo!

>> How to Name Your Restaurant in 6 Easy Steps

Trattorias/Osterias (Casual Eateries)

Trattoria del SaporeOsteria GustosaPane Fresco
Caffè e BiscottiPasta e PaneTrattoria del Forno
Osteria della CasaPane PerfettoTavola di Sapori
Osteria del CiboTrattoria del GustoBottega Saporita
Osteria di CampagnaBottega del FornaioTrattoria della Nonna
Osteria di GustoPasta e DolcezzeOsteria del Mercato
Bottega GustosaTrattoria del Pane

>> How to Name Your Restaurant in 6 Easy Steps

Italian Bakeries, Sweet Shops and Sandwich Shops

Dolci del FornoPasticceria FrescaPane e Cioccolato
Torte di NonnaLa Dolce PanetteriaCrostata Classica
Panini e PasticciniLa Forneria ItalianaPane Rustico
Dolce SaporiBiscotti d’OroPasticceria Fiorentina
Panini e SaporiLa Dolce PasticceriaBottega dei Panini
Pane e DelizieCaffè e CremaDolce Vita Forno
La Bottega dei DolciPanini Perfetti

>>Get more unique name ideas on this ultimate list of bakery names

Italian Wine Bars – Osteria

TavernaEnotecaIn Vino Veritas
BarbarescoBrunelloThe Killer Bs
Tannin and TableCork’dThe Sommelier
Port of Call

>>Check out this big list of catchy bar names

Funny Italian Restaurant Names

Non Ti Pago – I don’t pay you!L’Utima Cena – Last SupperThe Tasty Tortellini
Spicy Meatballs and MoreEat Some Ziti!Pasta Maniac
Hot TomatoesTwisted PastaP’spghetti
Lasagna FlatsSaucy GirlsDevilish Pies
Kiss Me Garlic BreadEarth, Wind and Flour

Pizzeria Name Ideas

Here are a sampling of good pizza restaurant name ideas -check out the full list of hundreds of pizzeria name ideas

All Around PizzaAmerican PieAngry Pan Pizza
Dishy PizzaEatalian PizzaFirehouse Pizza Shop
Fingerlicking PiesHappytown PizzaHotline Pizza
Mad ToppingsMission PizzaPie Makers
Pizza Peddler

Get 325 more pizzeria restaurant name ideas on my list here

Italian Restaurant Name Generators

This is a restaurant name generator I tested to create the list of name suggestions below  –

I tested it by using these keywords related to Italian cuisine (pasta, cheese, olives, pizza, Italy). Get the best results by first brainstorming a list of keywords. These are words and phrases (2 or more words) that relate to your company’s service and products. They do not have to be necessarily the ones that will be contained in your final restaurant name.

An easy way to brainstorm keywords to use in name generators is to use Google. Put in your restaurant type (Italian food) plus “keywords”. Scroll through pages such as these and pick up related words. I found these additional keywords = mozzarella, oregano, basil, pepperoni, Frutta, Pesce,  vino, pomodoro. You get the idea.

Italian Restaurant Name Ideas Generated  – with added improvements by me 🙂

Pizza BitItaly DesirePizza Grove
ItalyioPizza FeastItalynetic
PizzalyPizza CravePizzasy
Italy JuicyItalypadItaly Chop
Italy WagonPizza SuperiorItaly Roll
Pizza HoleItaly CantinaPizza You
ItalyoramaCrave OliveUptown Olive
OlivehutChow OliveCrisp Olive
OliveexOliveioSmash Olive
Herbed OliveFeast PomodoroPomodorosy
Citron and PomodoroPomodorioBinge Pomodoro
The Dashing PomodoroSecret PomodoroPomodorowind
Presto PomodoroPomordor ServedSizzling Pomodoro
PomorodorhavenDished Pomodoros

Check out this big list of food truck name ideas

Italian Restaurant Names in Italian

The restaurant pros at created a fun list of name ideas all in authentic Italian. Here are a few below, read the full list here

LA FESTA IN CUCINA. “The Kitchen Party”PRIMAVERA. “Spring”ORTAGGIO. “The Vegetable”
GUSTOSO. “Tasty”BOCCA FELICE. “Happy Mouth”A MANO. “Made by Hand”
LA PENTOLA. “The Pot”LA BOTTARGA. “The Bottarga”IL GIARDINO DEI PIACERI. “The Garden of the Pleasures”
ZUPPA ITALIANA. “Italian Soup”PRIMI PIATTI. “Main Dishes”PESCE FRESCO. “Fresh Fish”
CHE BUONO. “What Good”PIATTO CALDO. “Hot Plate”COME A CASA. “Like at Home”
LA CASA. “The House”LA MENSA. “The Cookhouse”AL DENTE. “Underdone”
SAPORI D’ITALIA. “Tastes of Italy”SORRISO. “Smile”

The Top 25 Italian Restaurants in Italy

L’Etoile d’Or (Catania, Italy)Gusta Pizza (Florence, Italy)La Madia (Licata, Italy)
Masseria Barbera (Puglia, Italy)Da Vittorio (Brusaporto, Italy)Alle Testiere (Venice, Italy)
Il Pellicano (Porto Ercole, Italy)Madonnina del Pescatore (Senigallia, Italy)La Ciau del Tornavento (Treiso, Italy)
Enoteca Pinchiorri (Florence, Italy)La Rosetta (Rome)Acquolina (Rome)
Don Alfonso 1890 (Sant’Agata Sui Due Golfi, Italy)

>Opening a new French restaurant? Get naming inspiration from this list of fancy French restaurant name ideas

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