If you’re an entrepreneur in Utah, you may not wish to use your business’s full legal name for all of your company’s activities. If so, a “doing business as” (DBA) name could be a helpful branding tool, allowing you to conduct your small business under a different title.
Learn How to File a DBA in Utah or Get Your Utah Trade Name Today With ZenBusiness Inc.
If you own a Utah business and would like to use a different name than your legal business name, you will need to register a “doing business as” or DBA name with the state. In Utah, this is called an assumed name, and other terms for DBAs also include fictitious business names and trade names. These names are typically used when you want to use multiple names for one business, or if you are a sole proprietor or partnership wanting to be recognized as something other than your legal name.
Want to learn more? This guide will cover the basics of what an assumed or DBA name is, the rules for choosing, registering, and maintaining one in the Beehive State, and how we can help make the process easier.
A DBA name is known in some areas as an “assumed name,” “trade name,” or “fictitious name.” In Utah, a DBA name is referred to as an “assumed name” and is required for any individual conducting business in the state using an alternative name from their official business entity name.
Since a DBA name is just an alternative business name, it will not impact your tax structure. It is not a separate business entity and only acts as an alias.
Many business structures benefit from a DBA name, even if their reasons are not always the same. In most cases, there are two categories of businesses that register DBA names:
A DBA name has many benefits. Since they are public record, registering a DBA name can add credibility to your business by openly displaying a name representative of your business. This is particularly advantageous for business structures that operate under the names of their owners (sole proprietorships and partnerships).
For businesses wishing to open a business bank account, they might want to consider registering a DBA name. Registering a DBA name and getting a federal tax ID number (EIN) allows your business to open a business bank account. In most cases, a bank will ask for proof of the DBA name to ensure that you operate a legitimate business.
This guide will provide an overview of how to obtain and maintain a DBA name in Utah.
When choosing a DBA name, it’s important to keep several things in mind. First, you should consider how the name works in terms of marketing your brand. Does the proposed DBA name explain to customers what your business does? Your DBA name should communicate the purpose of your business to the public.
Additionally, your DBA name should correspond with other promotional business things. For example, a domain name that matches your DBA name is a great way to attract online traffic to your website. By using ZenBusiness’s Domain Name Registration services, you can establish a business website with a matching business email, web hosting, and memorable domain name.
Registering a domain name that matches your DBA name is very beneficial because it:
Next, you should consider the uniqueness of the name. Legally speaking, the DBA name needs to be distinguishable from trademarks and registered names in Utah. The uniqueness of your DBA name is also a marketing tactic to distinguish your brand from competitors. By choosing a distinctive DBA name, you establish a memorable name and make it easy for customers to find you. Using Utah’s Business Name search tool, you can conduct a name search to see if your desired DBA name is available.
While choosing a memorable DBA name, it’s also important to keep in mind some regulations. Utah has specific words that cannot be used without written consent from a specific entity or at all. Below are DBA name regulations in Utah:
Additionally, it’s important to note that Utah requires businesses with DBA names in languages other than English to provide translated versions of the names to the record. For businesses that do not provide translations or use prohibited words, the Division of Corporations and Commercial Code will not approve the DBA name application.
In Utah, you will need to complete several steps to register a DBA name. In this section, we will walk you through the process of registering your assumed name. While completing your form, keep in mind that it must be typed and not handwritten. Follow these instructions:
The standard mailing address to register your DBA name is:
Utah Division of Corporations & Commercial CodeP.O. Box 146705Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-6705
When the DBA name has been marked as “filed,” it means that the Utah Department of Commerce, Division of Corporations and Commercial Code has received and approved the document. The DBA name registration should be completed no later than 30 days after conducting business under this name. Additionally, it must be submitted in a “machine printed format.”
You will need to renew your DBA name after three years of registration to maintain compliance. To maintain your DBA name, you will need to renew it every three years for $27. If you need to make any changes to your DBA name, or there were structural changes to your business, you should update your DBA name to maintain compliance.
Do you need additional help with business filings for your business in Utah? At ZenBusiness, our expert team members are here to help your business grow. We specialize in business compliance and formation, so you can rely on us and focus on running your business.
How much does it cost to register a Utah DBA name?
Fees are subject to change over time. Check the Division of Corporations & Commercial Code website for the most current fee schedule regarding DBA registration and renewal.
What is the processing time to register a Utah DBA?
If you file for a DBA name online, the name will be registered within 24 hours. If you prefer to register in person, you can submit a paper application. This can take up to seven business days to process.
Do I need a DBA name for my Utah business?
Although not every business needs to register a DBA name, it can still be very beneficial. If you plan to conduct business under a name that is not your official business entity name, you will need to register a DBA name to comply with Utah laws. For instance, if you own an LLC and want to remove the “LLC” from your name, you will need to register a DBA name. On another note, if you want to release individual product lines or services, registering a DBA name allows you to conduct business under unique names.
If I register a DBA name in Utah, can another business use the same name?
In Utah, DBA names need to be unique from registered names and trademarks. Federal trademarks protect your business name, goods, and services at the federal level. You can search for your desired name using this database. Registering a trademark prevents someone else from using your name.
Can a business in Utah have multiple DBA names?
Yes. You can have multiple DBA names for your business in Utah. In many cases, businesses will have multiple DBA names registered to differentiate between services, packages, and goods. For example, a small candle-making business can have a DBA name for each of their four seasonal candle lines.
Is a DBA name the same thing as a fictitious business name in Utah?
In Utah, you will see the DBA name referred to as an “assumed name.” It is also called a “trade name” or “fictitious name” in other states.
Do I need a DBA name in Utah if I use my own name for a sole proprietorship?
If you want to conduct business under your legal name, you do not need to register a DBA name. However, if you would like to conduct business under a name that is not your legal name, you will need to register a DBA name in accordance with Utah law.
Will using a DBA name affect how my business is taxed in Utah?
Since a DBA name is just an alternative name, it is not a new business entity. This means that you will not be taxed differently at the local, state, or federal level.
Disclaimer: The content on this page is for information purposes only and does not constitute legal, tax, or accounting advice. If you have specific questions about any of these topics, seek the counsel of a licensed professional.
Written by Team ZenBusiness
ZenBusiness has helped people start, run, and grow over 700,000 dream companies. The editorial team at ZenBusiness has over 20 years of collective small business publishing experience and is composed of business formation experts who are dedicated to empowering and educating entrepreneurs about owning a company.
Utah Business Resources
Most Popular States to Get a DBA Name
When it comes to compliance, costs, and other factors, these are popular states for filing a DBA.
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